Thursday, January 2, 2014

ALL Recovery & Treatment Programs are RELIGIOUS! (Explained)

(Watch Alcoholics Anonymous Is Dangerous! on YouTube)

Yesterday, I posted an article on my Orange Papers (OP) Forum blog that made someone very angry. They hated this post so much that they used their internet skills to make it impossible to read the comments. If they had known how, they would have also made it impossible to read the beginning of my original post. But since they could not, I was able to have people link over to this blog. 

Realizing they might do the same thing to THIS post, I decided to place it on this blog as well as on the OPF. So if you are here, it is because this person struck again. Anyway, I'm glad you're here.

Yesterday, I promised to explain "in very plain English" why I made the statement that "all recovery and treatment programs are religious". If you have not already watched the four-minute video that I linked to yesterday, I want you to watch it BEFORE you read my explanation. 

After you have watched it, please read the rest of this post. I will make it very clear how what the speaker said relates to my statement about all treatment and recovery programs. Here is a link to this video titled: 

Now that you have watched the video, let me explain what the speaker said and how it relates to my statement that "all treatment and recovery programs are religious". Once I explain this, you will understand the main reason why some OPF members are so angry with me - angry enough (I believe) to kill me if they could find me and get away with murder. If you don't believe it just read some of the blogs and comments that have been posted the last few weeks.
I'm going to explain my statement by quoting the speaker and commenting on what he said. He starts out by asking whether or not "[Bible-thinking] Christians should look at issues as falling into one of two categories, the "secular" or the "sacred" (the religious). The answer was NO. 

Then he went on tho say that (according to the Bible) there is no difference between "secular" and the "sacred", or let's just say the "non-religious" and the "religious". Then he plainly states that...  

"All issues are religious issues. All issues are spiritual issues."  

Now please hear me out before you shout "That's crazy!" Why? Because what he said makes perfectly good sense if you really stop and give this some thought.

The Random House Unabridged Dictionary defines religion as "a set of beliefs" and other dictionaries also define it this way. And since everybody has a set of beliefs, everybody has a religion, whether they admit it or not.

"Beliefs" are defined as "opinions and thoughts upon which people base their actions." In other words, we choose to do what we do because of the set of beliefs we have - because of our religion.  

So what does this have to do with treatment and recovery programs? Well, the speaker on the video very clearly points out that "in all cases, a teacher will maintain a perspective that communicates something about [certain] issues." In other words, every teacher has a religious point of view he expresses on  certain issues. The speaker goes on to name these viewpoints which includes... 

"There is absolute truth or there is not"
"Man has a free will or he does not"
"God is or God is not" 

These are only a few of the religious viewpoints that he named. But everything on his list are  things on which we all have religious viewpoints. 

The problem, when it comes to "treatment" and "recovery" programs, is that some OPF members are religious bigots. They are stubborn and intolerant in their devotion to their own opinions (their own religious viewpoints) and their prejudices. They have an unfair feeling of dislike for any evangelical or fundamentalist Christians who wants to present Christianity as a so-called treatment/recovery option on the OPF.  

They have no proof that the options they prefer are any more successful than Christianity when it comes to "treatment" and "recovery". However, because they don't like, and believe, some very fundamental Christian teachings on the subject, they are fighting against it as a solution to the problem. Although they pretend to be reasonable, when it comes to this, they are not being reasonable at all. This is why they are so angry with me for presenting what they call "[my] version" of Christianity as an alternative to AA.  

However, there are millions of evangelical and fundamentalist Christians who believe what I teach about addictions and how to overcome them. But these intolerant religious bigots want to pretend like what I'm teaching is the exact same thing that AA and other cults teach. JR Harris and a guy called Soberman, have made it one of their agendas on the OPF to convince members and visitors that this is true.  

These OPF bigots have their own religious beliefs about God and Christianity. The religion that many of them believe in is  Secular Humanism, the one that the speaker in the video was talking about. And, like he also pointed out, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Secular Humanism (the set of beliefs held by atheists) IS a religion. (Clink link above and read [Footnote 11] at the bottom of the page)

So even OPF atheists are religious. This it what those who hate me don't won't to admit and don't want others to know - that you, me, and everyone else (including them) have a religion.  

And because many of them believe so strongly in some (or all) of the views of this religion, they only want "treatment" and "recovery" options that agree with its teachings. This is why they refuse to tolerate any other religious alternatives to AA except their own, which proves they are religious bigots. 

Jim Battle

Watch The Best Proof that God Exists!

Watch Kent Hovind Seminars

I suggest to whoever is reading this that you think honestly about the evidence being presented to you, instead of listening to people who lie because they don't like the Bible. Why? Because when your body dies you are going somewhere, and you will be there forever. Jesus Christ proved that He was God and told us where we would end up if we reject what He offers (If you click the "what He offers" link you must scroll down the page a bit to read the post titled "What Does Jesus Offer?)".

Watch "Beware Of The Program!" My comic book slideshow on YouTube

Watch my TV program titled "Alcoholics Anonymous Is Dangerous!"

Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -

See this Powerful Legal & Historical Evidence that Proves Jesus Christ Is God:

Part 1 -

Part 2 -