(Watch Alcoholics Anonymous Is Dangerous! on YouTube)
Recently, I posted an article on my Orange Papers (OP) Forum blog that made someone very angry. They hated this post so much that they used their internet skills to make it impossible to read the comments. If they had known how, they would have also made it impossible to read the beginning of my original post. But since they could not, I was able to have people link over to this blog.
Recently, I posted an article on my Orange Papers (OP) Forum blog that made someone very angry. They hated this post so much that they used their internet skills to make it impossible to read the comments. If they had known how, they would have also made it impossible to read the beginning of my original post. But since they could not, I was able to have people link over to this blog.
Realizing they might do the same thing to this post, I
decided to place it on this blog as well as the one on the OPF. So if you are here, it
is because this person struck again. Anyway, I'm glad you're here.
An OPF member called NoAAUK posted a comment at http://www.orange-papers.org/forum/node/4682#new.
This is my response to what he said:
The problem "in our ranks" is that some members have made the OPF what the
owner never intended it to be... anti-God and anti-Christianity. And as much as
I agree with what you are trying to do here, I must disagree about "the Anti-Stepper League fight[ing] amongst themselves." Again, the problem is some of our
members who are fighting against Christianity as an alternative to AA. They are
as bad as AA in the sense that they want only one religion to be an alternative
to AA - Secular Humanism.
They only want SECULAR programs to be promoted on this forum. Like
AA, they are saying "Hey everybody, including you Christians, fall in line with OUR
beliefs about the way to overcome addictions, or else." I am against AA but I am just
as much against these intolerant religious bigots in our ranks. They want to get rid of
AA's relgious beliefs so they can replace it with their own religious beliefs
about addictions and recovery, without any competition. Why? Because they are like the "Star-bellied Sneetches". Some evolutionists did the same thing
when it came to creationism. They wanted creationism out of the schools so they
could teach their religion instead.
This is not what Orange had in mind when he started this forum. So you are right to say "The Orange
Papers is not about Religion versus Secularism, but steppism being
dangerous. However, these OPF members do not want to
see this. Why? Because, again, their agenda is to replace AA with their Secular Humanism religion.
You also asked "why shouldn't God point some people to a secular form of
recovery and others to real (non-12-step) religion". But you have to understand
that these members do not want God pointing anybody anywhere. They
don't want God in this at all, period. That's why they don't mind [a few members] speaking out against all religious alternatives except Secular Humanism. And they view what you call "real (non-12-step) religion" as something
as evil as AA, and statements from you, me, and Orange are not going to change
their minds.
You are also right when you say that "we should all be exposing is the steppers
cult's lies, scare-mongering, coercion and predation......not whether god exists
or not......on this forum anyway". But please do realize that [one member] has been
trying to prove that God does not exist long before I arrived on the OPF. I just
happened to discover what he was doing and decided to address it.
But [the most vocal members] want to keep up their anti-God, anti-Christianity, secular
humanistic agenda without being opposed. This agenda is just as important to
them as their anti-stepper agenda. So they are not going to listen to you, me,
Orange or anybody else as long as they can get away with it. That's why they are
fighting so hard against me while ignoring you and Orange.
Watch The Best Proof that God Exists!
Watch Kent Hovind Seminars
Watch "Beware Of The Program!" My comic book slideshow on YouTube
Watch my TV program titled "Alcoholics Anonymous Is Dangerous!"
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBe4f95BSP0
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAwGBgUJyQs
Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYA2CdU1Gsg
Part 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Az99S_jgcw
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPbjre68QXg
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36roouexomY
Watch Kent Hovind Seminars
I suggest to whoever is reading this that you think honestly about the evidence being presented to you, instead of listening to people who lie because they don't like the Bible. Why? Because when your body dies you are going somewhere, and you will be there forever. Jesus Christ proved that He was God and told us where we would end up if we reject what He offers (If you click the "what He offers" link you must scroll down the page a bit to read the post titled "What Does Jesus Offer?)".
Watch "Beware Of The Program!" My comic book slideshow on YouTube
Watch my TV program titled "Alcoholics Anonymous Is Dangerous!"
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBe4f95BSP0
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAwGBgUJyQs
Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYA2CdU1Gsg
Part 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Az99S_jgcw
See this Powerful Legal & Historical Evidence that Proves Jesus Christ Is God:
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPbjre68QXg
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36roouexomY