Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Why Christians Should Not Use Secular Recovery Programs - PART TWO! (The SOS Program)

(Watch Alcoholics Anonymous Is Dangerous! on YouTube)

Yesterday, I explained what is wrong with a Christian having genuine faith in God and seeking help from a secular recovery program. I pointed out that secular programs are addressing issues that the Bible also addresses, such as addictions and how to overcome them. I also pointed out that the Bible addressed these issues before secular programs came along. 

I showed that the problem is that the teachings of secular programs are based on the religious beliefs of the religion called Secular Humanism. And the religious beliefs of Secular Humanism contradict the religious beliefs of Christianity. 

So the secular humanistic teachings of secular recovery programs contradict the religious teachings of Christianity, which come from the Bible. So a person cannot be a true Christian (a true follower of Christ) if they are following the teachings of a religion that opposes the teachings of the Bible.

I used the secular program called SMART Recovery as an example, but today I am going to show how the program called SOS (Secular Organizations for Sobriety) also contradicts the Bible.

The "General Principles of SOS" states that "All those who sincerely seek sobriety are welcome as members in any SOS Group."

But what would they teach "members" who are Bible-believing Christians? 

They go on to say that "SOS is not a spin-off of any religious or secular group." 

But, as you will see, they ARE religious because they teach the religious philosophy of Secular Humanism. The secular humanistic philosophy of SOS is "Save Our Selves.

But the Bible teaches Christians that God will save them from temptations by providing a way of escape, (1Co 10:13 KJV). 

SOS also says "There is no hidden agenda, as SOS is concerned with achieving and maintaining sobriety (abstinence). SOS seeks only to promote sobriety amongst those who suffer from addictions."

But the truth is they are also seeking to promote the religious views of Secular Humanism amongst those who suffer from so-called addictions.

They go on to say "Although sobriety is an individual responsibility, life does not have to be faced alone. The support of other alcoholics and addicts is a vital adjunct to recovery. In SOS, members share experiences, insights, information, strength, and encouragement in friendly, honest, anonymous, and supportive group meetings."

Although it is true that "sobriety is an individual responsibility", the Bible does NOT teach that Christians need "the support of other alcoholics and addicts as a vital adjunct to recovery." 

First of all, the Bible doesn't even teach that the solution to so-called addictions is "recovery". It also does not teach Christians to get "the support of other alcoholics and addicts." The Bible teaches Christians to get the support of God and other Christians when it comes to spiritual issues, such overcoming so-called addictions, (John 8:36; Gal 6:1-2 KJV). This is also where we should get our support to "face life" in general, (Heb 10:25 KJV). And if there are no other Christians around, it is better to get the support of God alone that to have the support of so-called alcoholics and addicts, (John 16:32 KJV). 

SOS continues by saying "Sobriety is the number one priority in a recovering person's life." 

AA says the same thing. But the Bible does not teach that a Christian who is overcoming a drug and/or alcohol problem is "a recovering person". So calling a so-called addict "a recovering person" is some of AA's religious nonsense. 

According to the Bible, a Christian who overcomes a drug or alcohol problem GOD's way is being sanctified by GOD's truth, His Word; not by the humanistic teachings of programs like SOS, (John 17:17 KJV). 

Simply put, sanctification is the process of being made less sinful and more like Jesus Christ. And the way this is done is by learning the truth (i.e. what the Bible teaches) about your problems and how to overcome them, not by learning the religious beliefs of programs like SOS

SOS goes on to say "Honest, clear, and direct communication of feelings, thoughts, and knowledge aids in recovery and in choosing nondestructive, non-delusional, and rational approaches to living sober and rewarding lives."

But, again, so-called recovery is not the goal for Christians when it comes to so-called addictions. The goal is sanctification. (1Th 4:3-4 KJV). And learning God's truth (His Word) is the only "non-delusional, and rational approach" to living the kind of life He wants you to live, which is very rewarding, (Ge 15:1; Heb 11:6 KJV). God wants you to live a rewarding life that comes by faith in Him and His Word, not by faith in programs like SOS, (Mr 11:22; 1Ti 4:10 KJV). 

SOS ends by saying it "encourages the scientific study of addiction in all its aspects" and "does not limit its outlook to one area of knowledge or theory of addiction."

So SOS encourages the "scientific" study of ALL aspects of addiction. But when it comes to the spiritual aspect of addiction, God wants Christians to study and follow the teachings of the Bible (2Ti 2:15 KJV), not the religious teachings of secular programs that are promoted as being scientific, (1Ti 6:20 KJV).

No good scientific research studies show that any of SOS's religious teachings are more effective than the religious teachings of the Bible. So why should Christians add SOS's religious teachings to the Bible's teachings? 

As far scientific research is concerned, neither Christianity or SOS can honestly claim that one "works" better than the other. However, scientific research and history do give good reasons to believe that the teachings of the Bible are superior to all other religious teachings, including the religious teachings of SOS , (Pr 14:12 KJV). Why do I say this? Because scientific research and history show that the Bible is from A Supernatural Mind.

So Christians should be allowed to choose Christianity if unbelievers are allowed to choose SOS. And that goes for all the other secular humanistic programs. NONE OF THEM have been proven by scientific studies to be more effective than Christianity.

So since informed Bible-believing Christians do not want AA or this secular humanistic program, and there is no scientific reason to believe they need either one, they should be allowed to choose Christianity as the way to overcome their "addictions". The Bible says...

"The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (1Co 1:18 KJV). 

"The power of God" for what? The Bible says...

"According as his divine power hath given unto us ALL things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue". (2Pe 1:3 KJV).

So although "The preaching of the cross" is "foolishness" to unbelievers, it is God's power for living a godly life - the Christian life - the kind of life God wants us to live.

So it is time for Christians to stand up and refuse to attend meetings where their own beliefs are opposed. Limiting a Christian's choice to either AA or a secular program is immoral, insulting, and unconstitutional.

Jim Battle 

Watch The Best Proof that God Exists!

Watch Kent Hovind Seminars

I suggest to whoever is reading this that you think honestly about the evidence being presented to you, instead of listening to people who lie because they don't like the Bible. Why? Because when your body dies you are going somewhere, and you will be there forever. Jesus Christ proved that He was God and told us where we would end up if we reject what He offers (If you click the "what He offers" link you must scroll down the page a bit to read the post titled "What Does Jesus Offer?)".

Watch "Beware Of The Program!" My comic book slideshow on YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aaww2vh1nKw

Watch my TV program titled "Alcoholics Anonymous Is Dangerous!"

Part 1 -
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAwGBgUJyQs
Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYA2CdU1Gsg
Part 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Az99S_jgcw

See this Powerful Legal & Historical Evidence that Proves Jesus Christ Is God:

Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPbjre68QXg

Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36roouexomY