Monday, January 6, 2014

Why Christians Should Not Use Secular "Recovery" Programs - PART ONE! (The SMART Recovery Program)

(Watch Alcoholics Anonymous Is Dangerous! on YouTube)

Recently, I was asked if there is anything wrong with a Christian having genuine faith in God and seeking help from a secular recovery program. Well, according to the Bible, the answer is YES, and here's why. You see, secular programs are addressing issues that the Bible also addresses, such as addictions and how to overcome them. As a matter of fact, the Bible addressed these issues first.

The problem is that the teachings of secular programs are based on the religious beliefs of the religion called Secular Humanism. And the religious beliefs of Secular Humanism

contradict the religious beliefs of Christianity. So the secular humanistic teachings of secular recovery programs contradict the religious teachings of Christianity, which come from the Bible. So a person cannot be a true Christian (a true follower of Christ) if they are following the teachings of a religion that opposes the teachings of the Bible.
For example, SMART Recovery "Teaches self-empowerment and self-reliance." But the Bible teaches Christ-empowerment and God-reliance, (2Ch 16:7-8; 2Co 12:9 KJV). SMART also "Encourages individuals to recover from addiction and alcohol abuse and live satisfying lives." But the Bible encourages Christians to "be filled with the Spirit" instead of getting drunk on alcohol, (Eph 5:18 KJV). And since alcohol is a drug, this applies to other drugs as well. 

The Bible also encourages Christians to live lives that are pleasing to God, not to "live satisfying lives" by doing our own thing, (1Th 4:1 KJV). "Do whatever satisfies YOU, even if the God forbids it. By the way, I have found nothing more satisfying that being guided, helped, empowered, and used by the Lord. 

SMART also "Teaches techniques for self-directed change." But the Bible teaches Christians to seek God-directed change (Jer 10:23; 2Th 3:5 KJV). And He wants to change (to conform) Christians to the image (the likeness) of Jesus Christ, (Ro 8:29 KJV).  

SMART also "Supports the scientifically informed use of psychological treatments...". But the Bible identifies psychological counseling (psychotherapy) as "the wisdom of this world" and calls it "foolishness", (1Co 3:19 KJV). The Bible teaches that people who reject God's word have no wisdom from Him, which includes wisdom for overcoming ALL sinful habits, (Jer 8:9 KJV). They may help people abstain from SOME sinful habits but not ALL sinful habits, which is one of the goals of Christianity. True Christianity brings freedom from ALL destructive habits. 

SMART also "Works on substance abuse, alcohol abuse, addiction and drug abuse as complex maladaptive behaviors...". But God (through the Bible) works on these problems as simply bad behaviors called SIN (a moral problem). And He has helped millions quit these behaviors. 

SMART also says it "Differs from Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and other 12-step programs", which is true. But it also differs from Christianity. And informed Bible-believing Christians do not want to learn the teachings of either one. 

SMART also says that it "Evolves as scientific knowledge in addiction recovery evolves." However, no scientific research shows that any of SMART's religious teachings are more effective than the teachings of the Bible. 

So why should Christians add SMART's teachings to the Bible's teachings, or replace some or all of them? As far scientific research is concerned, neither Christianity or SMART can honestly claim that one "works" any better than the other. So Christians should be allowed to choose Christianity if unbelievers are allowed to choose SMART. And that goes for all the other secular humanistic programs. NONE OF THEM have been proven by science to be more effective than Christianity.

So since informed Bible-believing Christians do not want AA or a secular humanistic program, and there is no scientific reason to believe they need either one, they should be allowed to choose Christianity as the way to overcome their "addictions". The Bible says...

"The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (1Co 1:18 KJV) But "the power of God" for what? The Bible says...

"According as his divine power hath given unto us ALL things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue". (2Pe 1:3 KJV)

So although "The preaching of the cross" is "foolishness" to unbelievers, it is God's power for living a godly life - the Christian life - the kind of life God wants us to live. 

So it is time for Christians to stand up and refuse to attend meetings where their own beliefs are opposed. Limiting a Christian's choice to either AA or a secular program is immoral, insulting, and unconstitutional. 

Jim Battle

Watch The Best Proof that God Exists!

Watch Kent Hovind Seminars

I suggest to whoever is reading this that you think honestly about the evidence being presented to you, instead of listening to people who lie because they don't like the Bible. Why? Because when your body dies you are going somewhere, and you will be there forever. Jesus Christ proved that He was God and told us where we would end up if we reject what He offers (If you click the "what He offers" link you must scroll down the page a bit to read the post titled "What Does Jesus Offer?)".

Watch "Beware Of The Program!" My comic book slideshow on YouTube

Watch my TV program titled "Alcoholics Anonymous Is Dangerous!"

Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -

See this Powerful Legal & Historical Evidence that Proves Jesus Christ Is God:

Part 1 -

Part 2 -